We Had a Full House Wednesday Night

With 24 on zoom the meeting was just shy of 100 in attendance. Folks came from all sides of the Lake.  Even TRPA’s Karen Fink stayed for a bit.

Former Fire Battalion Chief Doug Flaherty discussed the fact we currently don’t have a workable fire evacuation plan.  This is Tahoe’s reality.  Peak period gridlock traps us now and that’s not even considering the planned 13 projects on the north shore.

Brett Tibbits, Glenbrook resident, noted how reducing the lanes on Hwy 50 will further endanger residents and tourists.  He discussed the ongoing problem at TRPA with Governing Board members weakly or undisclosed conflicts of interest.

Ann Nichols explained how the “Tahoe Stewardship Plan” was promoted by tourism special interests and TRPA.  The Stewardship plan recounts sustainable funding solutions, one of which would assess Tahoe private property. That’s taxation without representation.

The Tahoe Basin Area Plan amendments were reported by Sue Daniels.  Disturbingly, the Plan was changed again last week, but the changes haven’t been summarized for the public and they won’t go before the preliminary step of a North Tahoe Regional Advisory Council hearing and even worse for us, there is a brand-new planning commissioner representing our area who will vote on the significant plan amendments August 10 at the Event Center in Kings Beach.

Chris Egger discussed how the achievable housing (a made-up term) definition for deed restricted housing has no income cap and all you must do is obtain a business license and claim to work 30 hrs/week.  It fails to benefit those that need assistance. TRPA and the County should stick to deed restricted affordable housing (up to 120% of the average median wage).

Pamela Tsigdinos, a prominent journalist who lives in Incline Village, spoke eloquently on TRPA’s history and how it has been captured by developers ultimately failing in its mission.

For those that missed the meeting we will attempt to forward a link to the recording.  Stay tuned.
If you have a visible home or business location, we have cool yard signs.  Let us know and we will deliver them.
Big development is not the way to solve Tahoe’s problems.  It’s just more of everything.

Sign our petition on NTPAC.org, write our representatives, watch our video

In addition to the projects in the video:
1. Neptune Investment (next to KB bakery)
2. Jason’s Restaurant property owner wants to build condos
3. Alpine View Estates-across from Tonopalo
4. Boatworks-Fantasy Inn Redevelopment
5. Tahoe City Lodge
6. Homewood
7. Palisades (Squaw Valley)

Written by: PreserveLakeTahoe